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Resume Data Entry Makes Automated Resume Screening, a Convenience

Resume Data Entry Makes Automated Resume Screening, a Convenience

A lot of staffing and recruiting companies, corporate HR departments, job boards, job fair organizers and several others; in this age of automation, consider automated resume screening to be a novelty. They are grossly underestimating its impact, and making a huge mistake in doing so. Paper resumes have and will keep causing problems at most of the corporations, organizations and businesses. Individuals who submit paper resumes by email or at a career fair are known to create challenges as they are not in a uniform format, and are full of mistakes and formatting mistakes done due to individual beliefs or misconceptions.

Unless recruiters take assistance from experts, they are quite likely to keep stumbling over piles of resumes; never to reach out to that right candidate they are looking for.

Candidates who copy-paste their resume for the umpteenth time in a form or on recruiter’s website, compels the latter to populate fields in a database which should ideally help them to search, manage and contact candidates. So this is an in-house situation. Situation at a job fair is more or less similar. Job fair organizers or companies are eager at collecting your paper resumes, but it is less likely that candidates receive an interview call. It’s usually so because, they have to scan your paper resume, and then ensure that their in-house teams parse it as well. Thousands of paper resumes are received at any job fair and screening them to reach out to the right candidate is a humongous task.

Format-related resume problems

Thousands of candidates’ use hundreds of various resume formats, which itself is a challenge.

Enlisted are a few more challenges that recruiters face:

The list does not end here. There is a lot more stuff, and most of it might look to be stupid challenges. However; it is mandatory to understand that they are required to be made clean and professional, and in a uniform format; since a human will read it at some point of time.

Just a thought

The recruiters and HR departments and all others involved with activities of human resources and manpower planning are required to understand the dire need of resume processing. Recruiters and HR managers are flooded with applications from scores of job applicants. Reviewing and shortlisting from such a vast pool of talented professional’s, from a heap of paper resumes, is an intense activity and demands increased mental energy and efforts. Inherently, recruiters can play by “The 6 second Resume” rule only if the resumes are in a uniform format, and readily available.


In-house teams are less likely to be equipped with the expertise, from resume data entry and digitizing to resume formatting for uniformity. For the recruiting process, all these challenges prove too costly and highly time consuming. It also consumes more time in reaching out to the right candidate.

Outsourcing data entry solution providers, with extensive knowledge and domain experience of resume formatting deliver consistent results even with tight deadlines. From digitizing gathered bulk resumes to 100% accuracy in field parsing, data entry of job fair registration forms or employment applications to project delivery in any desired format, including XML, XLS (spreadsheet), or direct client’s application; they have done it all.

Written by :

Chirag Shivalker - active as a BPM professional for more than 15 years; believes that mindset & not the toolset ensures the success of any Business Process Management partnership. He creates strong arguments for justifying BPM initiatives, which provide leaner and more productive, flexible and efficient business operations.


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