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Ecommerce Product Data Enrichment Converts Search to Sale

Ecommerce Product Data Enrichment Converts Search to Sale

E-commerce companies are growing like anything, and so are growing the challenges they have to address. Inappropriate or absolutely no enrichment of the product data is one such challenge that takes a proportionate bite from the annual revenue, upsell opportunities, and dents the potential for new business with help of referrals from lost users. E-commerce product data enrichment turns weak information into amazing customer-facing product information, and converts product search to increased sale.

The fact is that unless product descriptions are enriched with relevant information, the products are less likely to receive due attention, it deserves from customers. Most eCommerce players tend to lose customers even before the check-out, as the customers found the product descriptions – inadequate or inappropriate. Gone are the days when appending information to bad or dirty product data used to resolve the issue. E-commerce product data enrichment is the new now, and is no rocket science; neither has it emerged recently.

As against brick and mortar stores, customers making online purchases are solely dependent on product data that store owners publish on product pages. Online merchants operating on leading eCommerce platforms including Magento, osCommerce, Zen Cart, X-Cart, etc., and marketplaces such as Buy / Rakuten, Amazon, eBay, Sears, etc., have successfully reduced the bounce rate on their online stores with help of product data enrichment services.

Ecommerce data standardization experts first normalize the product data to provide detailed browsing experience to end-users, and then:

How does ECommerce product data enrichment increase sales?

1. Reduced cart abandonment

Cart abandonment is one of the challenges online retailers are struggling to resolve since inception. It usually happens when a specific product that the customer decided on buying was ill-equipped with the information. Customers have a wavering thought process and abandon carts right at the last moment – if they don’t get the satisfactory information they seek. Adding valuable and appropriate product details ensures that customers don’t abandon carts due to lingering doubts in their minds.

2. Contextual information, as important as product details

Online purchases and sales are all about the context in which the product is sold. The contextual product description would make the customer understand how any product they plan to purchase will add value to their lives. This makes it necessary to write the product copy in a manner, where it provides all the contextual product information required.

3. Product page metadata to boost traffic

Customers face challenges in locating what they want to buy. It is due to ill-treated product title, description, and meta-tags. In such cases, product metadata needs immediate, expert and timely fix. This will help your customers to reach out to your products and view correct information. Simultaneously, search engines will crawl product pages correctly and put it across to customers looking out for similar products. This will ultimately boost the traffic on your eCommerce website and hence sales.

4. Product categorization

Meeting business requirements in tune with concurrent market dynamics, online retailers very often list and categorize products incorrectly. This makes it tough for their customers to find what they want; while it also confuses web crawlers – leading to deteriorating SEO rankings. Managing product data is all about validating and fixing errors in product details. Developing product taxonomies, fix product descriptions with appropriate keywords and tags, and classifying it correctly that suits eCommerce sales.

5. Cross-sell and up-sell expensive / premium products

Upselling and cross-selling relevant products has been the successful strategy for retailers to boost sales. Product data enrichment, as part of efficient product data management; ensures that purchases visiting your website end up finding related or alternative products along with the ones they were looking for, and also in absence of it. This is achieved by displaying all related and alternative products on a particular page. Upselling always generates more revenue than mere cross-selling, and data enrichment helps you do just that.

6. No doubts in making a purchase decision

Product data enrichment ensures that customers visiting your site have no doubts in mind when it comes to making a decision to purchase. Starting with contextualizing the product, supported by reasons why it should be purchased, and making the buying process smooth and simple – will leave customers with no confusions.

7. Holistic buying experience for customers

With answers to all the queries that customers have in mind, ideally, data enrichment services facilitate online retailers to give a holistic buying experience to all their customers. As mentioned in the beginning eCommerce players have succeeded big time, and holistic buying experience is one of the key elements to their success. Customers when get hold of relevant products that add value to their lives; make a big difference to your overall sales numbers.

Enrich your product data today

Implementing product data enrichment help you steer your eCommerce sales figures and converts product search to product sales. It also empowers you to deliver consistent product information across all departments in your enterprise, may it be inventory management or invoicing, brochure and collaterals or sell sheets. Further, you can optimize your current product catalog, source, and onboard new products; product data enrichment experts will give your company a competitive advantage.

Written by :

Chirag Shivalker - active as a BPM professional for more than 15 years; believes that mindset & not the toolset ensures the success of any Business Process Management partnership. He creates strong arguments for justifying BPM initiatives, which provide leaner and more productive, flexible and efficient business operations.


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