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Outsourced Data Entry Services & Warren Buffett’s Rules to Succeed in Online World

Outsourced Data Entry Services and Warren Buffett's Rules

Known for his simple appearance, this finance titan has a real life story of playing by his own rules and leadership wisdom. Living in the same house since 1958 in Omaha USA to investing $1 billion in stocks of Apple, this truly radical and visionary 86 year old CEO, today has a net worth of more than $65 billion and is known to be America’s second richest person. Yes we are talking of Warren Buffett. True nonconformist among his leadership kind, Warren Buffett, shared some rules to succeed in this online world.

As one of the incredibly successful outsourced service provider, we at Hitech BPO Services have played by these rules as mentioned by Warren Buffett, in form of our organizational values. We not only have survived, but have consistently thrived in the offshore data entry service industry for more than 25 years now. This is an effort to put across to the readers, not only how these rules could help our potential and existing clients succeed but; also how we succeeded and made our learnings, success and experience, work to their advantage.


This is the first and the most important rule, suggests Warren. You as an organization, enterprise or as a company found your passion in form of setting up your business. We at Hitech BPO Services, are passionate about delivering best outsourced data entry services clubbed with data processing, data mining, data conversion, data digitization, OCR, full-text data capture, catalog processing, manually done data entry, forms based data entry and lots more; our core business. We not only found our passion, but also partnered our clients to help them succeed and thrive in their passion, their core business.


Our clients across the globe follow the rule of hire well, and as part of it they hired us to manage their back office operations. We at Hitech BPO Services, as global outsourcing service providers, follow the same rule of “hire well”. We hire expert data entry professionals to work for your projects and processes through our professional service model. They are trained appropriately to work according to your line of business in terms of practices and methodologies with help of advanced software, tools and technologies for smooth project execution and business risk mitigation.

Imagine a team of 750+ data entry professionals with project management skills & outstanding executional capabilities, backed up with an organization capable of adapting to market dynamics and scale up to your needs, with more than two decades of delivery experience, led by a solution centric leadership team managing your back office operations. Now, that is what we call hire well decision, nicely made.


Inception of outsourcing data entry services goes back to early 80’s, and so does our services, which are appreciated and opted by clients for more than two and a half decades now. You being a business owner would be well aware of the fact that with this long tenure in the industry, whether you want it or not, soliciting reviews about your products or services, in several forms is inevitable. Be honest to confess, how many times did you lose out to negative reviews about your products or services by your clients? “Never” is what we feel.

Reviews or thoughts, may it be online or otherwise – positive or negative, from clients or consumers; neither did you care nor did we, instead kept moving ahead. There were days where companies ranted endlessly about failed promises and absent innovation in the services provided by outsourcing service providers. But those days are over, long back. Not considering those feedbacks as a setback, and instead, treating them as opportunities; the outsourcing industry improvised tremendously adding up process innovation and automation to support broader business agendas. It is the same way you, as a business, did not care what others thought about you and adapted to measures to start writing off your legacy process and technologies.


Keeping pace with concurrent dynamics and relevantly changing client needs mandates; that you as a business and we as a service provider enhance our knowledge and skills by reading more and more. You as a startup or a small business would have started from a house office with a few employees on board, but now are planning to enter the fortune 500 club. So how did you do this? You would have certainly enhanced your knowledge; and so did we to become the most preferred and best outsourcing service provider.

Starting from a mere small office and 10-12 employees on board 25 years ago, we kept on feeding our greed to grow, with lots of knowledge and skills. This is exactly what made us one of the best and leading outsourcing service providers across the globe. We started from simple data entry services, and now lead the industry with document processing and management services. Our clients speak high about us and find us to be the most reliable outsourced data entry service provider.


Warren is of the opinion that businesses are all about taking risks, but playing safe is the first and foremost aspect to it. You too as a business owner; would have taken up risks for business expansions but with safety guards always on, isn’t it? Outsourcing your data entry services, or as a matter of fact, your entire back office operations to us at Hitech BPO Services, will empower you with that margin of safety. Yes, the online world or data digitization on one hand when facilitates you and your businesses so much, also has several drawbacks such as data hack/piracy, loss of digitized data in case of natural calamities or technology failure and so on so forth.

Upon outsourcing your data related services to Hitech, you get relieved of all these challenges, cost and time involved in revoking the lost data. While maintaining high standards and to address your concerns of data security, we ensure to send and receive source files and completed projects through our secured FTP servers only. With stringent adherence to IT security, data security & confidentiality policies; our clients across USA, Canada, UK, EU, Australia, Middle East and other 51 countries, rely on us for BPO, Architectural Engineering Construction (AEC), and Engineering Solutions.


This is one of the elements that you as a business owner are always looking for in order to not only survive, but also thrive in the market. Outsourcing data entry or your back office activities, will give you that competitive advantage in form of access to required pool of talent, latest tools and technology, improved productivity, reduced operational costs and all this while you have ample time to focus on your core business competencies.

Data entry or data processing services are projected to reach $300 billion by 2020. Several surveys suggest that 89% outsourced data entry projects met their ROI goals. 70% of the businesses that outsourced data entry services were “very” satisfied with the overall productivity and costing. So with all these benefits working to your advantage, gives you that competitive edge, so why not go for it?

We as a data entry service provider always keep looking for that competitive advantage. This is the reason why we are equipped with best of the data entry professionals, state of the art infrastructure, latest software, tools and technologies. Apart from all this, our wide experience of working with diverse industries including Banking and Finance – BFSI, Education, ITES, Management and Consulting, Real Estate, Research, Marketing & Advertising, Retail & eCommerce, Transportation and Logistics, Travel & Hospitality and several others, gives us that extra edge over competition.


The wide felt presence of internet or the online world, as you may say, is experienced in form of really tight and squeezed schedules of entrepreneurs or c-suite teams. However busy you are; make arrangements to really do what you like to do, the way you want to do, says Warren. There are no doubts that you are doing things that you like to do, but the entire activity can be glorified by merely changing the people you choose to be around in order to enhance your personality. Yes, we as service providers did so to succeed.

While we did not stop serving our regular clients, we started looking towards Fortune 500 companies, hired solution centric leaders to lead data entry teams and so on. And believe us, it really worked. We now already have a few of our clients who are on the Fortune 500 list, and we have been providing those data entry, data processing and document management services for more than 25 years now, consistently. We did things as per the schedule of our personality and it helped. So you as a business also need to think on these lines and schedule for your personality, focus on your core business activity and outsource your back office operations to us.


Growing and evolving is a never ending process. Learn from your past mistakes and implement that knowledge and skills in the current scenario. In past a lot of business houses, and a few of them still are trying to take up a DIY – do it yourself approach when it comes to data entry or data processing. But unfortunately, the chances of them failing at it miserably are high. The reason for this failure – it is not their core competency.

However; for us as a leading outsourcing service provider in India, it happens to be our core expertise. We learnt the tricks of the trade over years to evolve from mere manual data entry service provider to one of those most relied upon automated and innovative data entry service providers. We have reached a position and gained trust from our clients where a bank in Italy trusts us for their check processing, while we also provide data entry services to a utility portfolio management company in USA, and a payment processing company is assisted by our professionals with their data transfer from checks to software. Stay competing with outer world and inner skills always, is what we at Hitech firmly believe.


Data influx is giving sleepless nights to every business owner. They are worried about maintaining data and keeping a proper track of it. Today large volume of data is added in sheets, day in and day out. End of day this data needs to be managed and preserved in a well synchronized, ready to use format, for future goals including sound business decisions and strategizing.

Data entry clubbed with data processing has been “THE ONLY” solution for data related activities. Outsourcing industry has been instrumental in supporting businesses across the world in various ways. Advanced data processing technology, in hands of skilled data entry outsourcing specialists in India, has helped these businesses to organize this precious corporate information for proprietary purposes. So businesses, corporations, companies, entrepreneurs across the globe are reaping benefits of it, so why not you? No matter if you have already outsourced your data processing services; discuss you project with our data experts and add that edge of innovation and automation to your existing back office processes. Contact us or email us today at [email protected].

Written by :

Chirag Shivalker - active as a BPM professional for more than 15 years; believes that mindset & not the toolset ensures the success of any Business Process Management partnership. He creates strong arguments for justifying BPM initiatives, which provide leaner and more productive, flexible and efficient business operations.


Hi-Tech Digital Solutions LLP and Hitech BPO Services will never ask for money or commission to offer jobs or projects. In the event you are contacted by any person with job offer in our companies, please reach out to us at +91-79-4000-3251 or [email protected]