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Data Cleansing helps Your Expiring Data & Poor Leads

Data Cleansing helps Your Expiring Data & Poor Leads

Database maintenance is not on any of the company’s priority list, though somewhere down in their hearts they know that their existence depends on their data. Although it can and will pay rich dividends, combing through thousands of contacts is a daunting task. Companies looking out to maximize their profits should prioritize a clean, tidy and up-to date marketing database.

Data Cleansing helps You Keep Track Of Your Customers & Contact Data Expiration Dates

It may be the meat on the supermarket shelve, milk in the fridge or prescription of a medicine placed in your cabinet at home; all customer and data have a use- by date. Though each contact is meant to be different, as per a recent survey up to 25% of data in any organization expires annually. The number might seem unrealistic of shocking but the fact remains as it makes a plenty of sense. In today’s concurrent market dynamics, the average job tenure is roughly of two years. You may add up to it the fact that most lead lists can be up to 15 months old at the time of generation or purchase, which certainly makes data cleansing a priority with immediate effect.

Data Cleansing helps You Understand Your Target Market

The golden rule is “know your audience and you will succeed“. This is not applicable only for stand-up comedians or actors or filmmakers. It stands true for business people and marketers as well. With clean data, or with help of data cleansing, market reporting and analysis is easy to conduct and execute. The noticeable fact is that clean data generates actionable business intelligence which further can be used to fine tune your marketing techniques. It also helps you to generate updated and reliable reports from your CRM or ERP solutions, making your analytics much more useful and workable.

Data Cleansing Will Organize, Innovate & Personalize Your Marketing

You might not reach where you want to go, if you don’t know where you are going. You need to have a proper map to reach out to a destination before you even start. Clean data has the potential to drive any large-scale strategy with multiple complexities, as it ultimately allows you to plan and execute new marketing campaigns with a reasonable degree and efficiency.

In absence of clean data, having a dynamic, engaging, and most importantly a personalized marketing strategy is a farfetched possibility. Personalizing marketing and Outreach should have most current info, on your customers, as its DNA. This is all inclusive of their recent purchases, website activity, and (not mandatory) life developments like getting married and new additions to the family as well.

Data Cleansing helps You Avoid Inconsistencies & Incompleteness

To be able to correlate data quality issues to business impacts, we must be able to classify our data quality expectations as well as our business impact criteria” – David Loshin, President of Knowledge Integrity, Inc.

Answer all the enlisted questions:

Take assistance of data analysts, who can better determine the scope of underlying root problems and address data quality issues. They would have to review data completeness, conformity, consistency, accuracy, and integrity. All these factors contribute to the loss of leads and revenue. Instead of shifting through every contact line, hoping to correct poor leads and bad data passed over by legacy teams and systems, start cleaning your data as it will help you save time and money by avoiding poorly organized, mass uploads.

Segment & Target People with Content Aligned to Their Persona with help of Data Cleansing

Challenge: Campaigns don’t turn out the way you anticipated, and opting out is the easy way out. If this is more like you, there are more chances that you are conveniently implementing a “one size fits all” approach for your marketing activities.

Resolution: Relevance = conversion = revenue.

In simple words, Relevance drives Conversion. You are supposed to target prospects based on who they are and what they do.

Clean data is the first step to segmentation. The right kind of data cleansing solution helps you to match and standardize all your data. Any time a new data enters your data base, or is entered into your database, it will be automatically categorized into discrete segments.

i.e., the title “Chief Information Officer” could and would exist in 25 different permutations. However; marketing automation, takes care of this problem by filtering and mapping several different permutations to a single segment.

Data Cleansing Takes Care of Your Duplicate Leads

The loss in trust caused by emailing someone twice; with the same message, in a span of 5 minutes, is hard to describe in words. It has the potential to turn off a prospective client, cause them to unsubscribe from your list, resulting in loss of potential revenue and goodwill for you.

It is an absolutely avoidable mistake which usually happens with an expiring data. These duplicate emails are sent because they are duplicate leads, or quality leads that were classified incorrectly or entered twice.

Another challenge could be the leads which do not receive any follow-up messages, which damages your bottom line with the same severity. Thankfully there are data cleansing service providers with automated processes to help you get around the challenges of duplicate leads, making the cleaning data process much more easier.

Data Cleansing to Save Money & Scale Affordably

If dirty data is the challenge that you are facing, the simplest solution is to partner an advanced data cleansing solution provider. Data cleansing will take care of the redundant data which will reduce the contacts in your marketing activity database, ultimately helping you to save money. Deleting contact data that is hard-bounced, unsubscribed, and invalid will help you save money.

Data Cleansing can Save You from serving McDonald’s at a C-Suite Party

Equipped with expired data and poor leads, as an entrepreneur, is like serving McDonald’s at a C-Suite Party. Despite having every possible resource at their disposal, several enterprises do just that. They are not capable of identifying their lead and customer needs and end up trying to close or upsell irrelevant offers and promotions, leading to more wasted resource utilization.

Data cleansing is a simple fix that will save you millions in un-optimized marketing campaigns, poor alignment between marketing and sales, and a tarnished brand image.

Written by :

Chirag Shivalker - active as a BPM professional for more than 15 years; believes that mindset & not the toolset ensures the success of any Business Process Management partnership. He creates strong arguments for justifying BPM initiatives, which provide leaner and more productive, flexible and efficient business operations.


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